Thanks for your interest in R-Ladies Remote!

We are the online, international chapter of R-Ladies global that is especially for people who do not have local chapter and/or work remotely.

Please take a moment to review the R-Ladies community guidelines and the R-Ladies Code of Conduct - it helps to keep our community a safe and welcoming place!

The R-Ladies Remote Slack is where most of the activity happens in our group. It's a space for informal chat as well as organized discussions, e.g. hosted coffee chats, reading group, etc.

If you are a cis man (you are a man and have been since birth), we ask that you do not join our Slack. However, you are welcome to attend our occasional Zoom events (talks, workshops) as a guest.

To keep up-to-date with organized events, find us on Meetup here:

If your gender is under-represented in the R community and you would like to be part of the R-Ladies Remote Slack community,  please fill out the form below.

You will receive a welcome email with a link to join the R-Ladies Remote Slack. Please check your spam/junk folder for this automated message. If you do not receive the welcome message, please email - usually this inbox is checked only weekly.
* indicates required

R-Ladies Remote will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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